Here’s why hibernation in space might not be possible for humans after all

Here’s why hibernation in space might not be possible for humans after all

Sending humans virtually anywhere in space beyond the Moon pushes the logistics of health, food, and psychology to limits we are only beginning to grasp. A basic solution to these problems in science fiction is to simply put Void Travelers to bed for a while. In a state of sleep close to hibernation or torpor,…

‘Fish Lizard’ Fossils Found In The Swiss Alps Belonged To Some Of The Largest Creatures That Ever Lived

‘Fish Lizard’ Fossils Found In The Swiss Alps Belonged To Some Of The Largest Creatures That Ever Lived

The fossils belong to three ichthyosaurs, and they may have been among the largest animals to ever live on Earth, according to a new study. Ancient creatures could reach 80 tons and 65 feet (20 meters) in length, rivaling modern sperm whales. These “fish lizards” first appeared in the ocean about 250 million years ago,…

An Ingenuity helicopter takes pictures of a debris field on Mars

An Ingenuity helicopter takes pictures of a debris field on Mars

During its one-year anniversary flight on April 19, the small helicopter took pictures of the striped parachute used in the landing of Perseverance – often called “7 minutes of terror” because it occurs faster than the radio signals can’t reach Earth from Mars – February 18, 2021. He also spotted the cone-shaped back shell that…

Why hugs are so nice: Scientists discover a circuit that transmits a “nice touch” to the brain

Why hugs are so nice: Scientists discover a circuit that transmits a “nice touch” to the brain

Hugs, holding hands and stroking give us a psychological boost that is known to be important for emotional well-being and healthy development. But until now, it was not known why we derive pleasure from this kind of touch. Today, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a neural circuit that…

Large bodies helped extinct marine reptiles with long necks swim, study finds

Large bodies helped extinct marine reptiles with long necks swim, study finds

Ancient, long-necked sea monsters must have evolved large bodies to rule Earth’s oceans around 200 million years ago, according to a new study. The large bodies helped the extinct creatures swim at high speeds even though they had bizarre appendages that might otherwise have increased drag and slowed them down. Bigger bodies meant more muscle…

These meteorites contain all the building blocks of DNA

These meteorites contain all the building blocks of DNA

Three meteorites contain the molecular building blocks of DNA and its cousin RNA, scientists have recently discovered. A subset of these building blocks had previously been detected in meteorites, but the rest of the collection seemed mysteriously absent from space rocks – until now. The new discovery supports the idea that around four billion years…

WATCH: Crew-4 successfully launches to the ISS on Wednesday morning

WATCH: Crew-4 successfully launches to the ISS on Wednesday morning

The burst of light in the pre-dawn darkness – the launch of Crew-4’s Falcon9 rocket as it glided through the dark sky into low Earth orbit. NASA and SpaceX launch managers were thrilled with the launch. The Falcon9 rocket performed well, the Dragon capsule performed well. It’s great to see the crew on board, and…

Zero-index metamaterials offer new insights into the foundations of quantum mechanics

Zero-index metamaterials offer new insights into the foundations of quantum mechanics

An illustration of a near-zero index metamaterial shows that as light passes through, it travels in a constant phase. Credit: Second Bay Studios/Harvard SEAS In physics, as in life, it’s always good to see things from different angles. Since the beginning of quantum physics, the way light travels and interacts with the matter around it…

The first private astronaut crew returns to Earth from the Space Station

The first private astronaut crew returns to Earth from the Space Station

The first private crew of astronauts to visit the International Space Station (ISS) has returned safely to Earth. The team flew to the ISS and returned on the Crew Dragon spacecraft. The SpaceX company vehicle landed as planned in the Atlantic Ocean off Florida on Monday. SpaceX also provided the Falcon 9 rocket that carried…

Two planets will appear to “almost collide” in the night sky this week

Two planets will appear to “almost collide” in the night sky this week

Saturday early risers will be treated to a planetary “conjunction” in the morning sky. According to NASA, the mixing of Jupiter and Venus, which will only last two days, will make the planets appear to be “almost colliding”. The two celestial bodies are among the brightest objects currently in the night sky. While those with…