Could the blueprint of life have been generated in asteroids?

Could the blueprint of life have been generated in asteroids?

Conceptual image of meteoroids supplying nucleobases to ancient Earth. Nucleobases are shown as structural diagrams with hydrogen atoms as white spheres, carbon as black, nitrogen as blue, and oxygen as red. Credit: NASA Goddard/CI Lab/Dan Gallagher Using new analysis, scientists have just found the last two of five DNA and RNA information units that had…

Scientists model the surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

Scientists model the surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is surprisingly similar to Earth in landscape formations, according to new models produced by planetary scientists. Seen from space, the moon, larger than the planet Mercury, has other similarities to Earth – including rain-filled rivers, lakes and seas – although on Titan rain is liquid methane , falling through nitrogen winds….

In a first, scientists observe actions spiders use to escape sexual cannibalism

In a first, scientists observe actions spiders use to escape sexual cannibalism

In the animal world, there are examples of creatures that use extremely fast speeds to capture prey – or avoid being captured. Now, for the first time, scientists have observed the use of ultra-fast action in a very specific scenario: as a means of escaping sexual cannibalism. Scientists have discovered male spiders of the species…

This strange aquatic arthropod had no eyes and used “stilts” to get around

This strange aquatic arthropod had no eyes and used “stilts” to get around

Paleontologists recently announced the discovery of an “exceptionally well-preserved” ancient animal near the eastern shore of Lake Simcoe in southern Ontario, Canada, in a rock quarry that is such a hotbed of marine fossils. which scientists have dubbed the area “Paleo Pompeii”. Appointed Tomlinsonus dimitriThe species represented by the specimen is part of an extinct…

Venus should be “locked” with one side facing the sun.  Here’s why it’s not

Venus should be “locked” with one side facing the sun. Here’s why it’s not

When two bodies in space are close enough to each other, their gravity acts as a brake, slowing them down until one’s rotation “locks” to match its orbit. This tidal lock means that one side of the smaller body always faces the larger one – it’s the reason we only see one side of the…