What is the largest arachnid that has ever lived?

What is the largest arachnid that has ever lived?

The term “arachnids” probably conjures up visions of spiders: from creepy, creepy things spinning silently from webs in the corner of the room to large, hairy creatures with fangs – like the mythical Shelob or Aragog – stalking you in the dark. . But just how big (and fierce) can these arachnids get? Better yet, who was the greatest to have ever lived?

Answering this question is deceptively simple. Arachnids are eight-legged arthropods, which means that this group contains not only spiders but also scorpions and ticks among others, much smaller and rarer groups. Of these, spiders are the most diverse group of arachnids (the 50,000th species was recently discovered, and this number should increase). The problem is that exactly what counts as an arachnid is a bit of an open question.

#largest #arachnid #lived

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