MIT engineers have created a portable device that zaps seawater to produce drinking water

MIT engineers have created a portable device that zaps seawater to produce drinking water

A team of MIT scientists has created a device that turns brackish seawater into drinking water with the push of a button – and may be especially useful for people living in seaside regions like California who face droughts fueled by climate change. The new desalination device (a term used to describe a machine capable…

‘Fish Lizard’ Fossils Found In The Swiss Alps Belonged To Some Of The Largest Creatures That Ever Lived

‘Fish Lizard’ Fossils Found In The Swiss Alps Belonged To Some Of The Largest Creatures That Ever Lived

The fossils belong to three ichthyosaurs, and they may have been among the largest animals to ever live on Earth, according to a new study. Ancient creatures could reach 80 tons and 65 feet (20 meters) in length, rivaling modern sperm whales. These “fish lizards” first appeared in the ocean about 250 million years ago,…

Nintendo shares the basics of Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s combat system

Nintendo shares the basics of Xenoblade Chronicles 3’s combat system

Subscribe to Nintendo Life at Youtube Nintendo of Japan is doing a solid job sharing tons of details for Monolith Soft’s upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles 3, and we’re analyzing every little detail, especially when it comes to combat. the Xenolame The series is known for having a plethora of systems to dive into, and with each…

Exercise and weight loss are key to fighting crippling arthritis, says health watchdog

Exercise and weight loss are key to fighting crippling arthritis, says health watchdog

Arthritis patients will be told by the NHS to lose weight and exercise as primary therapies for their condition under new clinical guidelines. Physical activity is a better option for relieving osteoarthritis pain than pain relievers like paracetamol, according to the health watchdog. Moving millions of patients with the disease to an exercise regimen could…

Texas stumbles in efforts to punish green financial firms

Texas stumbles in efforts to punish green financial firms

Fossil fuels power the Texas economy, accounting for about 14% of the state’s gross product between 2019 and 2020. Today, Texas is the first state in the nation to pass anti-fossil fuel divestment laws. For years, fossil fuel-producing states have seen investors turn away from the companies that are causing the climate crisis. Last year,…