Why did Wall Street loan billions to alleged fraudster Bill Hwang?

Why did Wall Street loan billions to alleged fraudster Bill Hwang?

Bill Hwang secured billions of dollars in funding from major Wall Street banks with lies ranging from assurances he could quickly exit positions to claims he held large, easily tradeable stocks like Apple and Google , according to US authorities. The banks apparently took Hwang’s words at face value when they entered into leveraged derivatives…

Plastic-eating enzyme could eliminate billions of tons of landfill waste – UT News

Plastic-eating enzyme could eliminate billions of tons of landfill waste – UT News

AUSTIN, Texas — An enzyme variant created by engineers and scientists at the University of Texas at Austin can break down environmentally strangling plastics that typically take centuries to degrade in hours to days. This discovery, published today in Nature, could help solve one of the world’s most pressing environmental problems: what to do with…