Exercise and weight loss are key to fighting crippling arthritis, says health watchdog

Exercise and weight loss are key to fighting crippling arthritis, says health watchdog

Arthritis patients will be told by the NHS to lose weight and exercise as primary therapies for their condition under new clinical guidelines. Physical activity is a better option for relieving osteoarthritis pain than pain relievers like paracetamol, according to the health watchdog. Moving millions of patients with the disease to an exercise regimen could…

Why hugs are so nice: Scientists discover a circuit that transmits a “nice touch” to the brain

Why hugs are so nice: Scientists discover a circuit that transmits a “nice touch” to the brain

Hugs, holding hands and stroking give us a psychological boost that is known to be important for emotional well-being and healthy development. But until now, it was not known why we derive pleasure from this kind of touch. Today, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a neural circuit that…

Large bodies helped extinct marine reptiles with long necks swim, study finds

Large bodies helped extinct marine reptiles with long necks swim, study finds

Ancient, long-necked sea monsters must have evolved large bodies to rule Earth’s oceans around 200 million years ago, according to a new study. The large bodies helped the extinct creatures swim at high speeds even though they had bizarre appendages that might otherwise have increased drag and slowed them down. Bigger bodies meant more muscle…

Male birth control pill could enter human trials in just two months

Male birth control pill could enter human trials in just two months

Male birth control pill could enter human trials in just two months, inventors say, after mouse study showed it could prevent 99% of pregnancies A potential male birth control pill is expected to enter clinical trials as soon as this summer after being successful in tests on mice University of Minnesota researchers found the drug…

Scientists model the surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

Scientists model the surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is surprisingly similar to Earth in landscape formations, according to new models produced by planetary scientists. Seen from space, the moon, larger than the planet Mercury, has other similarities to Earth – including rain-filled rivers, lakes and seas – although on Titan rain is liquid methane , falling through nitrogen winds….

An animal rights protester wearing a referee jersey storms the court during an NBA playoff game in Minnesota

An animal rights protester wearing a referee jersey storms the court during an NBA playoff game in Minnesota

An animal rights protester wearing an NBA referee jersey charged onto the court at a playoff game between the Memphis Grizzlies and Minnesota Timberwolves – the third protest in the series in the past 10 days. Sacha Zemmel of St. Louis jumped over the seats on the side of the field where Timberwolves owner Glen…