Male birth control pill could enter human trials in just two months

Male birth control pill could enter human trials in just two months

Male birth control pill could enter human trials in just two months, inventors say, after mouse study showed it could prevent 99% of pregnancies A potential male birth control pill is expected to enter clinical trials as soon as this summer after being successful in tests on mice University of Minnesota researchers found the drug…

Effectiveness of Pfzier’s COVID-19 mRNA booster may drop in 3 months

Effectiveness of Pfzier’s COVID-19 mRNA booster may drop in 3 months

Researchers analyzed more than 11,000 hospital admissions and emergency room visits to see how well COVID-19 vaccines prevent diseases. They found that all three doses of the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 vaccine are highly effective in initially preventing hospitalizations. Although this high level of effectiveness is declining, experts say vaccines still offer key protection against COVID-19….

‘A recession over the next 12 months is not in our base case’: Stocks were battered on Friday.  Why smart investors focus on the long game

‘A recession over the next 12 months is not in our base case’: Stocks were battered on Friday. Why smart investors focus on the long game

The stock market ended a volatile week on a gloomy note on Friday, with the three major U.S. indexes plunging as investors were gripped by worries like inflation, the Fed’s fight against it and fears of a landing brutal in recession. As confidence also took a hit, financial experts advised investors not to panic but…