Why hugs are so nice: Scientists discover a circuit that transmits a “nice touch” to the brain

Why hugs are so nice: Scientists discover a circuit that transmits a “nice touch” to the brain

Hugs, holding hands and stroking give us a psychological boost that is known to be important for emotional well-being and healthy development. But until now, it was not known why we derive pleasure from this kind of touch. Today, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a neural circuit that…

People are getting sick from drug-resistant mold found in their flower beds and compost bins, scientists say

People are getting sick from drug-resistant mold found in their flower beds and compost bins, scientists say

Close up of mold growth.Jonathan Knowles/Getty Images Scientists have confirmed a link between drug-resistant fungi in the environment and in human lungs. Environmental molds can cause lung infections in people with vulnerable immune systems. Some molds have developed drug resistance from agricultural exposures, which makes fungal infections more difficult to treat. Researchers from Imperial College…

Scientists model the surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

Scientists model the surface of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon

Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, is surprisingly similar to Earth in landscape formations, according to new models produced by planetary scientists. Seen from space, the moon, larger than the planet Mercury, has other similarities to Earth – including rain-filled rivers, lakes and seas – although on Titan rain is liquid methane , falling through nitrogen winds….

In a first, scientists observe actions spiders use to escape sexual cannibalism

In a first, scientists observe actions spiders use to escape sexual cannibalism

In the animal world, there are examples of creatures that use extremely fast speeds to capture prey – or avoid being captured. Now, for the first time, scientists have observed the use of ultra-fast action in a very specific scenario: as a means of escaping sexual cannibalism. Scientists have discovered male spiders of the species…