Study delves into little-known bleeding disorder – Neuroscience News

Summary: Although purging may be a hallmark of bulimia nervosa, a new study reports that another type of eating disorder may also be responsible for purging behaviors. Source: Ohio University Although purging is often a condition associated with bulimia nervosa, new research at Ohio University suggests that another type of eating disorder may also be…

Exercise and weight loss are key to fighting crippling arthritis, says health watchdog

Arthritis patients will be told by the NHS to lose weight and exercise as primary therapies for their condition under new clinical guidelines. Physical activity is a better option for relieving osteoarthritis pain than pain relievers like paracetamol, according to the health watchdog. Moving millions of patients with the disease to an exercise regimen could…

Discovery of a new function performed by nearly half of brain cells – Neuroscience News

Summary: The release of potassium ions by neurons charges the electrical activity of astrocytes, allowing the control of neurotransmission. Astrocyte-neuron crosstalk raises questions about how the interaction works in brain pathology and the implications for memory and learning. Source: Tufts University Researchers at Tufts University School of Medicine have discovered a previously unknown function performed…

I drank a ‘poo’ smoothie that gave me life-threatening diarrhea – for science

Would you do it for money? Jake Eberts, 26, agreed to drink a life-threatening concoction of a cloudy, salty liquid containing Shigella bacteria, commonly found in the “poop” of infected people – all in the name of science. He swallowed a quantity of liquid in a shot glass, knowing it would produce a miserable case…

US egg factory roasts 5.3 million chickens alive in bird flu cull – then lays off nearly all workers

Workers from one of the largest egg factories in the world arrived at the factory in Rembrandt, Iowa, early one morning in March to find they were about to lose their jobs. As they gathered in the huge barns housing piles of caged hens, workers were asked to forget their usual routine of collecting eggs…

Here’s What This Controversial New Time-Restricted Diet Study Really Shows

The results of a new weight loss study were released this week, making headlines proclaiming that intermittent fasting “isn’t some magic diet trick after all.” The researchers aimed to test whether adding a restriction on the time of day you were allowed to eat (or not) to the usual low-calorie (or kilojoule) diet led to…

Can drinking tea improve cognitive function and help prevent cognitive decline? – Neuroscience News

Summary: From aiding attention and warding off cognitive decline to improving immune system function, researchers are exploring the many health benefits of tea. Source: Pollack Communications Leading nutritional scientists from around the world gathered yesterday to present the latest evidence supporting tea’s role in promoting optimal health. With new findings from the international scientific community…