Looking for a smartphone under 25k? Look no further because the Samsung Galaxy M53 5G is the answer. Here’s why! – India Time

Ever since Samsung entered the midrange, the brand has been making waves bringing cutting-edge features to a price-sensitive market. And the result is that a user can enjoy best-in-class features without pinching their pockets. Samsung has made this possible with the M-series smartphones. This year is no different as Samsung is going one step further,…

Wealthy investors aren’t convinced that big stock market losses mean it’s a time to buy

It’s been a tough year for an investor, and the wealthy are no exception. Losses in the stock and bond markets this year have made portfolio conversations between Wall Street investment advisers and clients more difficult. The most conservative portfolios performed as badly if not worse than the riskiest portfolios, with bonds offering little protection….

Mark Emmert’s 12-year NCAA legacy: A well-paid president who couldn’t lead during a time of dramatic change

On Tuesday, the NCAA announced that Mark Emmert would step down as president, either once a replacement is found or by June 30, 2023. The remote departure date allows the Association to find a new leader and Emmert to continue to receive paychecks which, given his annual base salary of approximately $2.7 million, should be…

DNA Mutation Time Bombs May Dictate When Animals Die

Animals carry “mutational clocks” in their cells that dictate how quickly their DNA picks up mutations. And across species, animals tend to die once they reach a certain number of mutations, according to new research. It turns out that in long-lived mammals like humans, these mutational clocks run slower than in short-lived mammals like mice,…